by Caroline Jenkinson, The Interiors Almanac)
This Friday’s forage profiles Fine Cell Work, a social enterprise which endeavor’s to teach prisoners the artisanal craft of creative needlework. In doing so, prisoners learn key skills of discipline and improved confidence. They also earn a living from the sampling they craft, which enables them to save for their future.
Fine Cell Work is carried out in 20 prisons
over the UK, with 300 prisoners to date. Many designers have provided designs
for the trust, collaborations include; Fine artist Gavin Turk, textile
designers, Cath Kidston, William Yeoward and Allegra Hicks.
Beautifully hand crafted cushions can take up to 90 hours of work, an average of 5 months to complete.
Find out a little more
about this wonderful trust & treat yourself to a cushion or two…
visit Fine Cell Work.